
Lesia Oleksiivna Shevchuk – the Head of the Department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation.

The Department of Foreign Philology and Translation was founded in November 2012. The establishment of the department was caused by the necessity to meet the growing demand for professional training in «Translation» specialty, so that the graduate students could master foreign languages and facilitate partnership relations with foreign investors and enterprises.

Since January 2014, the department has been headed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Lesia Oleksiivna Shevchuk – a highly professional specialist, a lecturer and a benevolent young woman.

Expansion of international cooperation, stable contacts with foreign partners, an increasing number of foreign tourists require professional communication in conducting business negotiations, high-quality translation of technical and economic documentation.

Therefore, in 2009 National Transport University began the training of bachelors in 6.020303 «Philology» specialty, with the first graduation in 2013. The training of specialists in 7.02030304 «Translation» specialization started in 2013, with the first graduation in 2014.

The Academic Staff at the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation: 

Alina Petrivna Dzhurylo – Associate Professor (Docent), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (English, German).

Viktoriia Igorivna Dovhanets – Associate Professor (Docent), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (English).

Olga Mykhailivna Kositska– Associate Professor (Docent), Candidate of Philological Sciences (Latin).

Halyna Mykhailivna Lejtsyus– Associate Professor (Docent), Candidate of Philological Sciences (German).

Anna Pavlivna Lytneva – Associate Professor (Docent), Candidate of Philological Sciences (English).

Yaroslava Oleksandrivna Mozhova – Associate Professor (Docent), Candidate of Philological Sciences (English, German).

Nadiia Volodymyrivna Sheverun – Associate Professor (Docent), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (English).

Olena Evgenivna Martynenko – Associate Professor (Docent), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (English).

Nina Viktorivna Nikolska – Associate Professor (Docent), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (English).

Svyatoslav Mykhailovych Boyko– Senior Lecturer (German).

Lyudmyla Oleksandrivna Vasylkivska– Senior Lecturer (German).

Lyudmyla Mykolaivna Moshkovska– Senior Lecturer (English).

Nataliia Viktorivna Davydenko – Assistant Lecturer (Latin).

Antonina Volodymyrivna Varlakova– Assistant lecturer (English).

Anna Viktorivna Yegorova– Assistant Lecturer (English).

The department provides bachelors’ training in the field of the transport-road complex and includes basic training in “Philology” specialty, “Translation” specialization.

International Relations of the Graduation Department. The department develops scientific and cultural relations with higher education institutions of Ukraine and CIS countries, in particular:

  • Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University; Vynnytsia Polytechnic University;
  • Byelorussian National Polytechnic University;
  • Moscow Automobile and Highway Technical University and others.

The Department Lecturers have academic internship abroad:

  • Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan, Republic of Poland);
  • internship at the University of Paderborn (Germany) within the Tempus IB project framework, active participation at international conferences;
  • American Summer Institute for the refresher course “The Idea of America: A Look at US Government, Society, and Innovation in the early 21st century” (under the auspices of the US Embassy in Ukraine).

Scientific and Methodological Works of the Department Lecturers:

  • English Phonetics: Practical Course. Textbook on the course of English phonetics for the 1st year students of the full- time study form in 6.020303 «Philology» specialty, authors: A. V. Iegorova, L. O. Shevchuk. Decision on registration of copyright to work № 61952 of 09.07.2015. Certificate № 61563 of 08.09.2015.
  • Introduction to University studies with extensive readings related to transportation (an English textbook for students of higher technical education institutions), authors: Y. O. Mozhova, O. P. Shatska, N. V. Sheverun, Y. V. Shypitsyna. Decision on registration of the copyright to work № 61657 of 23.06.2015. Certificate № 61349 of 20.08.2015.
  • Contrastive Lexicology of English and Ukrainian (Lecture Notes) / N. V. Sheverun, L. O. Zagoruiko. – Uman: FOP Zhovtyy O. O., 2015. – 71 p.

The Academic Staff Training: 1 postgraduate student studies at the postgraduate course.

Address: office 600,

42 M. Boychuk Str.,

Kyiv 01103, Ukraine.

Tel: +38 (044) 285-20-70

E-mail: kafedra_pereklad@ukr.net

International Cooperation